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The Apparel & Textile Quality Audit Company


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Inline and Midline Inspection (ILI & MLI)

Our Inline and Midline Inspection services are designed to monitor product quality during different stages of the production process. Inline inspections are conducted at the early stages of production to detect and correct any defects or inconsistencies before they escalate. Midline inspections take place when approximately 30-50% of production is completed, ensuring that quality standards are maintained throughout the manufacturing process. By conducting these proactive inspections, we help minimize errors, reduce rework, and ensure a smooth and efficient production flow, resulting in a final product that meets your specifications.

Why you should conduct Inline and Midline Inspections?

Conducting Inline Inspection is the crucial part of a production process, this inspection is conducted at the very early stages of production output and QA ensures the process of production going as per requirement, your requirements such as SPI, Symmetry of goods, measurement are meeting the requirements, all deficiencies are addressed and factory team align the processes accordingly to avoid greater losses. Similar check are ensured in Mid Line Inspection.
The goal of the inspection is to identify any gaps or non-conformities, provide recommendations for improvement, and ensure that the factory operates in a responsible and sustainable manner while meeting global client expectations.
The goal of the audit is to identify any gaps or non-conformities, provide recommendations for improvement, and ensure that the factory operates in a responsible and sustainable manner while meeting global client expectations.

Sample Audit Checklist